Photographer at heart, but I make my living flying airplanes. Been a commercial fisherman, aircraft mechanic, helicopter pilot, and a few other things not so interesting...

“You just keep pushing. You just keep pushing. I made every mistake that could be made. But I just kept pushing" 
~ Rene Descartes
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2025 Here We Come

I'm a Waking Up meditation app user, and Sam had a good New Year resolution conceptual frame to place around everything in 2025. I’m paraphrasing: ​ “​Filter everything you do this year through the lens that this is your last year of life. It’s a clarifier of sorts, a filter for what you will do and not do. Would I do this? Would I care about this? Would I pay attention to this? A great example was, would you take the time to watch a lousy movie alone? Certainly not. How about watching a bad movie with your kids? Absolutely...

2024 In Review and 6.2x Around the Earth

ReadingI'm happy with my reading this year. The number of books is not essential other than reading a lot keeps your attention span sharp. I have noticed over the years that with social media and everything on the internet being short, whether it’s videos or articles, my ability to focus on something deeply for long periods is rusty. Learning to slow down and reign in the monkey brain is an ongoing exercise. I find the biggest benefit in meditation, reading books, and limiting social media and the doom scrolling. Also, my books-to-read list is way longer than I have time...

From Above & Holding The Line

These are two of my favorite pictures. I was extremely lucky to be driving down the highway and catch these guys working in the hills. I had my 200-500mm lens, which allowed me to take these shots. It was all shot out the window. I sat there for hours, watching these guys work. I would like to do this after I retire. I respect these pilots greatly. I was able to contact the pilots via social media and made sure they received copies of the prints. 

⚙️ Under Construction

Hello and welcome to Exposed To Want. The scaffolding is up, and the orange cones are out. We are fully under construction. (well, aren't we all. It's a process... even at 50+ years old, I'm still under construction) I'm falling in the trap of futzing too much with the settings and layout and not just making content, but this will pass I guess. The room has to feel right before you start filling it up!  This is planned to be my online dumping ground for anything and everything that seems to fit. I hope it can help someone even in...

Kindness Matters, Lead with Love, Listen more than you talk, Never Stop Learning!

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