First, let's explain what a Now Page is and where it comes
Here is the official About Page of the NowNowNow Page.
I love the concept and will strive to keep mine updated. The premise or draw is the concept of owning your posts and reducing time on the major platforms. It seems that a renewed interest in personal blogs is afoot. I applaud this direction.
I could not have said it better than MacSparky did here;
Hat tip to Derek Sivers for the idea of this “Now” page. I’m terrible at social media, but this page gives me a place to check in with the world and update you, as Derek recommends, like I would when catching up with an old friend.
Updated December 25, 2024 from Arizona USA.
There are
many, but I try to limit it to the list here.
- Deep dive into learning Final Cut Pro and Motion. The best online training hands down is Ripple Training.
- I have several MacSparky Field Guides courses going. You can't go wrong with any of them. I've taken many and have several more to go. They are all excellent.
- Hiking, lots of hiking. It's winter now, and the outdoor activities are in full swing.
- After a long hiatus, I dusted off all the old camera gear, and I'm packing them around again.
- iPhone video; I've never been a video guy other than some drone shooting, so it's been fun to dive deep into the video realm with an iPhone 16 Pro Max shooting log. Yes, Ripple has a fantastic section on color grading ; ) I did say it was a deep dive.
- Fusion 360 classes with Desktop Makes are ongoing, and the designs are printed with a Bambu Lab X-1 Carbon. I can't say enough good things about Vladimir's excellent classes/teaching skills.
Currently Reading

Current Media That Makes Me Smile