December 28th, 2024

2024 In Review and 6.2x Around the Earth



I'm happy with my reading this year. The number of books is not essential other than reading a lot keeps your attention span sharp. I have noticed over the years that with social media and everything on the internet being short, whether it’s videos or articles, my ability to focus on something deeply for long periods is rusty. Learning to slow down and reign in the monkey brain is an ongoing exercise. I find the biggest benefit in meditation, reading books, and limiting social media and the doom scrolling.
Also, my books-to-read list is way longer than I have time for, and the more books I can read, the further I can expose myself to beautiful writing, distant worlds, and deeper human connections.

The goal every year is always around 15-20 books. This year was 33 reads, with several others abandoned. I used to feel bad about giving up on a book and felt like you should finish it if you started it.  No way; there are too many great books out there. Don’t waste your time with something that doesn’t speak to you somehow.

Variety this year was good. That is an important goal every year to not get stuck in a category. There is a vast array of well-written books out there, and I want to expose myself to all I can. A few areas of lacking is Poetry. I've always struggled with it and find it hard to appreciate. Please let me know if you have any good poetry starter books you can recommend. Thank you!

Every year, I waffle back and forth about reading new material or mixing in some favorite books from the past that I would like to re-read. The deciding factor has always been if I can't find enough new material, that's a perfect excuse to pull something from the past. But I've never had a problem finding new material. Alas, the struggle continues.

That brings me to the art of finding new books. I'll discuss more later; I'm working on a blog post about just that.

I was going to pontificate about which books were my favorites and what I learned, etc. But as you can see by my average rating of 4.7 stars, I enjoyed them all, LOL. Maybe I need to expand my rating scale some ; )
Honestly, I abandoned multiple books that I couldn't slog through. So if I finished it, I enjoyed it. 2025 will hopefully bring a mini-book report on each book next year. It will take discipline. When I started using Obsidian, the goal was to write about each book when I finished it. Well, I read 33 books, and I have six book reviews. That shows you what I'm up against.

Note: There are two books below where the covers did not populate.
1) The Reign of Wolf 21: The Saga of Yellowstone's Legendary Druid Pack by Rick McINtyre. It's an excellent book, by the way; I can recommend his whole series.
2) Killing the Witches: The Horror of Salem, Massachusetts, by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard.

GoodReads 2024 Year in Review


Flighty says: 

  • 205 flights
  • 154,355 miles traveled, which equals 18 days and 1 hour spent sitting in an aluminum tube. 
  • 6.2x around the Earth
  • 0.6x to the Moon (I wouldn't pass up a chance to go to our moon) 
  • 0.0007x to Mars (I don't want to go to Mars; I'll let the Billionaires have all that glory)
  • 40 airports 
  • 1 airline
  • Shortest Flight was 174 miles PSP - LAS 
  • Longest Flight was 1,767 miles CMH - LAS 

It was a good year flying, instructing, and checking. I learned a lot, and hopefully, contributed to making a few pilots stronger and wiser than they were. Looking forward to another great year of flying in 2025.  

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