January 1st, 2025

2025 Here We Come

Lets hope 2025 is smoother than this.

I'm a Waking Up meditation app user, and Sam had a good New Year resolution conceptual frame to place around everything in 2025. I’m paraphrasing: ​

​Filter everything you do this year through the lens that this is your last year of life. It’s a clarifier of sorts, a filter for what you will do and not do. Would I do this? Would I care about this? Would I pay attention to this? A great example was, would you take the time to watch a lousy movie alone? Certainly not. How about watching a bad movie with your kids? Absolutely yes! 

Time with family, even during a bad movie, is precious. We will all have our own do’s and don’t do’s, but It struck me and made me think hard about the things I’m going to do and not do in 2025.

You can listen to the whole 8-minute message here.

Another great post about some life lessons and what you can apply to this new year comes from Maria Popova with her post 18 Life-Learnings from 18 Years of the Marginalian​.  I love how beautifully she writes. I'm striving for many things on her list, like #14, "Choose Joy," and #13, "In any bond of depth and significance, forgive, forgive, forgive. And then forgive again."

Wishing you all a fulfilling ​and productive 2025 filled with joy.

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